Some Secrets and Keys for Success


(November 2012)


Successful people are usually interviewed and asked on how they became a successful. If I will be there, asking a well known and a successful person might be a privilege too. And, then, I’m wondering if I will be a successful person after a few days or weeks. What do you think?

If you can observe and read a lot of books and things about “successful” persons, they have similarities, yet they have their own agenda too. Like what we have said in the past articles, each of us has a different “definition” of success. And we have different ways to achieve that too.

So what the purpose of reading things about this people of we already know that we cannot compare our success “path” to them? It is learning the principle and things that are common with each other. For example, the principles of patience and perseverance are qualities of successful people. So, it’s great for every one of us to know some more significant things done by the “successful” people.

One of the simplest way and common reason of some successful people is the belief that they have a “value” to society, like their talents, their knowledge, their experiences and education, their some kind of objective or purpose and even their wealth. This is the common way to become a “successful” person. You can observe a lot of people who are proving that they have those “value.”

Most of their journey, they spent it proving that they are the best in this talent, in this field of study and so forth. You can already observe by the people around you. They are proving that they have a certain value in their society or in this world. You may include here those well-known inventors, athletes and artists. They have proven that they have something within them.

This people are considered as the most-pressured ones on their path. It seems to them that the world is always watching their steps. But somehow, once they learned how to manage those things, they can eventually on their steps for becoming at their best. They have the same will and thinking like Hall-of-Fame boxer Muhammad Ali who says, “I hated every minute of training, but I said, don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.”

The next common way for success, is the becoming a “valuable” person. This people have some sort of belief that success are at least within you, just by making your character and principles in life at right. This people are usually ended up teaching and influencing others by becoming a contented and a better person. ”

This are usually the leaders and managers, they keep people to get better and better from inside to outside. Psychologists also cited that these people are the most contented and more joyful. One of the people who believe on this is Albert Einstein. He stated “Try not to become a man of success but a man of value.” [POSTED/SHARED BY LAILA CENDANA, MARISSA CANCINO, ALEXANDER AGUINALDO]

This people are fine but somehow pressured sometimes, especially if they are compared to those people who aim success at material things, world rankings and famous ones. But somehow, once they managed to deal with those people, they are the most contented ones. One of the people who support this is the leadership expert, John Maxwell.

The other way that people consider as a way for success is the “passion.” It is our theme in the last Article 19. This people take the path or the things where they are really happy though they are not yet the best on that place. This people are considered the happiest in journey in aiming success, according to psychologists, because, no matter what happen, they are happy in their success path. Somehow, it can be already considered as success, as like what Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” [POSTED/SHARED by JULY KLYSTRON SANTILLAN]

This people can be found around. This people are the most undisturbed or unstoppable to their success path. Steve Jobs is one of who have this mind-set. As like what he had said, “…have the courage to follow your heart and intuition… Everything else is secondary.” Somehow, the closest people to this kind of people are also the biggest challenge to them, because they are the few ones who can influence this kind of people to divert their way.

The above three, are the common ways of people into getting successful. Somehow, like Oprah Winfrey, believe that there is no secret way for success. She once said, “The secret way of success is that there is no secret.” And there are people today like this. They are just going with the flow, and they keep on discovering on what things they will succeed. They keep on going and moving, though there are some uncertainties in where they will go.

Bill Cosby, somehow support the willingness of this people, and he said, “In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.” [POSTED/SHARED by DARLYN TORREFIEL] This people are not afraid of getting failed for sometimes, and they keep on trying more.

Successful people are the ones who are not afraid to risk and still, they stand out for something, and keep on trying. No matter what obstacles and criticism came down the way, they don’t allow those to stop them. As like what David Brinkley stated, “A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.” [POSTED/SHARED by DARLYN TORREFIEL]

We need to make ourselves more invulnerable to those pressure and trials against us. And those failures and challenges, we can take them as stepping stones for success. Every other day, Steve Jobs take his day at the best. And that should be applicable too for every one of us. Our friend Yaweh, shared to our group, “Success is the sum of all efforts, repeated day in and day out.” [POSTED/SHARED by YAWEH AVILES]

Doughlas Taylor also shared, “Behind every successful person, is a dream…. behind those dreams is reality… never stop dreaming of success.” [POSTED/SHARED by JOSS KRISTOFFER BACAREZA] And that’s true. No matter what your way for success, it is not conquered or achieved by quitting. You might fail and lost on track but remember, you should not to stop dreaming and doing things to get there.

Everyone of have different ways to success, and we could learn it along the way. Somehow, we are the one who can discover the secret way towards our success. And all of your choices and actions now depend on you. Like what Aristotle Onassis have remarked, “The secret of success is to know something nobody else knows.” [POSTED/SHARED by LAILA CENDANA]

“Success and failure. We think of them as opposites, but they’re really… companions – the hero and the sidekick.”

~Laurence Shames


—Created/Shared by John Kevin Cestona with Alexander Aguinaldo, Darlyn Torrefiel, Joss Klystron Bacareza, July Klystron Santillan, Laila Cendana, Marissa Cancino, Yaweh Aviles and LIFE ORG members (in November 2012)

(POSTED: November 25, 2012)

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