Vital Foundation of Every Relationship


(January 2013)



Every relationship have their ups and down, and every partnership has been challenged to rise and fall. But both of this starts with the trust, which is the crucial foundation of all bond between people. You cannot end up and have a good relationship without earning and giving trust.

Foremost, the trust starts with us. Do we have enough trust to our self? We cannot give trust without having some. In the field of health, especially in psychology, trust was considered to be built in our infancy and early childhood years. In those theories in health, the people around us affect our ability to trust, especially on how much trust we can give.

No matter what how true those theories, you possibly agree that giving trust to other people is important. You feel great too by knowing a lot of people trust you. But again, it’s affected by how much we trust our self.

Norman Vincent Peale, writes that “Believe in yourself… Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.”  [POSTED/SHARED BY CHERRY MAE MATIBAG] He asserts that before we can totally engage with the people around us, we should understand and accept our self, and above all, we have the confidence and trust.

One of the best ways to trust your “own self” is to know yourself more, and then followed by surrounding yourself by trustful people and people who trust you. If you can’t find someone like that, be the one. Lastly, give trust to others. Because you’ll discover later that giving trust will be the best way to get trust.

Remember the words from the Life’s Mirror of Madeline Bridges, which stated: “There are loyal hearts, there are spirits brave, there are souls that are pure and true, and then give to the world the best you have, and the best will come back to you.” [POSTED/SHARED BY PRINCESS DE GUZMAN] You should give your best to get the best. We need to always remember that.


Undoubtedly, the trust has proven enough reasons that it is needed in every friendship and teams, marriage and lovers and even to the companies and leaders. It’s somehow required to be included to have a satisfying relationship and journey.

The billionaire W. Buffet shares that, “Trust is like the air we breathe. When trust is present, no one notices, but when it’s absent, everyone notices.” In making negotiations and dealing with agreements to someone, you feel it when your relationship is somehow going to be good or not by gauging how much trust is given.

Trust is one of the most discussed topics in forum sites about relationship and marriage nowadays, which are usually dealing with faithfulness and cheating, honesty and loyalty. Society accepts nowadays that once a person’s trust is broken, it cannot be restored again.

There are many adult ones and even young people nowadays view trust as irreversible, or cannot be fixed when it is destroyed. Most of them view like a broken glass, which cannot be fixed or glued again.

In our group, this is posted in pertaining to trust, “Once you lie to someone & they find out, they’re gonna wonder if you’ve been lying the whole time. Once you lie to someone & they find out, they’re gonna wonder what else are you’re lying about. Once you lie to someone & they find out, they’re no longer going to fully believe anything you say. Once you lie to someone & they find out, they’re no longer going to fully trust you. Once you lie to someone & they find out, it will take time to earn their trust back.” [POSTED/SHARED BY IRENE PRADO]

And it is true, when trust is not given 100%, there are doubts that will always wandering around our mind. It will raise jealousy and differences along the relationship. And that’s should be fixed as possible. But as like what others who survived to bring the trust back, it will take some time and effort.

In our group again, this was shared: “The hardest part when your trust is destroyed is not the pain you feel but because of the lies… Time comes that you will meet people with good intentions but you cannot manage to trust anymore because you are too scared to take the chance again.” [POSTED/SHARED BY ANNE SALVADOR]

Anne Salvador added, “Love minus trust… conflicts will arise and doubt will always be present. Breaking a trust of someone will make you bitter sometimes, hatred and afraid to trust someone again.”

Yes, it really hard to trust someone again if they have broken it at the first place, but, I believe that trust can be restored by forgiving and forgetting their mistakes and past, and by having such a true and a great love for that someone, or for those individuals.

Anne Salvador added, “Love may stay for awhile even trust is broken, but it will not last.”

…We will tackle more about trust and love for the following articles.

“You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you don’t trust enough.” ~Frank Crane

—Created/Shared by John Kevin Cestona with Anne Salvador, Cherry Mae Matibag, Irene Prado, Princess de Guzman and LIFE ORG Panel with RIKIWA ORG

(POSTED: January 10, 2013)

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