VCM Project, Post-Message

Post-VCM Project, Inspirational Message
(December 3, 2013)

They say that some of the best things to happen in life are the unplanned ones. And the VCM Project is one of those things for me, and I hope, for every one of us too.

The VCM, no matter how exciting to be, would not be so much thrilling, the excitement, joy and fun, and even this extraordinary feeling, and undeniably without the support of other teams. I know that this is a project of the Info and Health Team, but then everyone was willing to do some part, and to support.

I believe that the VCM transform our mind and wisdom in a deep way. We didn’t expect from the project at first, but eventually it helped us to discover so valuable lessons in life.

First lesson, some great things come in our life in unexpected ways. Like for opportunity, it comes without noticing you, saying “I’m important, value me.” It may take time for us to realize that it is important.

It is good thing for our organization and team that, we value our project and missions, especially the people, as fairly as possible, and as early as possible. We put ourselves on the people we help. And we love what we do.

That’s the answer for those unexpected things in our life. We must understand that everything in our life should be valued and somehow appreciated, big or small.

We understand these things because of lessons from our experience that it’s better to value something you have right now, than to regret those things after we lose it. Some of us, don’t value the feelings of other people, because either, they keep on thinking on themselves, or they are not sensitive or caring enough to see others. Remember the pain principle?

So value what will come in your life, no matter how big it is, or small, because time flies so fast that in a blink of an eye, you might already lose it.

Second, those things or people that we appreciate or we love might don’t give back what we expect, and we got to move on from that. We already learned from this in 4725 Project last year.

If we seek what we want, and to force them to pay back for something we’ve done for them, it’s not kind at all. We are being immature and insecure. It’s our problem, not theirs.

So before you’ll be destroyed by your insecurities, understand life is unfair, and if you continue to be tormented by insecurities, you’ll not be happy at all.

Third, trust is so important. It is one of the fundamental things needed for the best relationships. It’s also not guaranteed that whom you trust will trust you back. And it also doesn’t mean that if you broke their trust, it cannot be fixed again.

I still believe, and I think, most of you, that trust can be built again. But it require a lot of patience, sincere forgiveness and a strong, somehow a secure person, to trust you again.

Yes, I think we need to admit that sometimes we don’t do that. We are under our ego, our id, our insecurities, and our pride and totally lost by the pain of trust issues.

I believe that, yes, you need a strong personality with right attitude person to forgive you and to give you trust for another chance.

I admit that sometimes, I’m still developing that character. Let me explain.

We might be betrayed by someone we love, and we might lose ourselves, especially the trust we’ve given them. We might afraid to trust again, to be betrayed again. We feel some mistrust towards other people, and that will be a challenge for us. But it’s a bitter part of us, and subconsciously, it is a selfish thing. We are thinking of ourselves too much. What if the person changed into a better one?

But still, who knows right? You might thought, that it’s better not to trust them again, if there’s someone else out there who deserve it more to be trusted upon.

And I’m one of those people this year. What I did after experiencing that? I give forgiveness but I think, still I did not give it 100%.

I choose rather to value the other things. I didn’t give a risk to give another trust. Maybe yes, you can say that I’m an insecure person for doing that. But actually, I believe it’s not. What I’ve done is to save me and on what I can do for others, including for that person.

When I discovered that I cannot forgive that person, maybe it takes time for me, or to build yet a character that can do that. So here I am and I’ve given my attention to other things/people I value. It also gives me a chance not to hurt that person unintentionally. If I forced to forgive that person even it’s not, I will hurt him/her also by suspiciousness, guilt and judging him/her, and it will always based on my “mistrust” on him/her.

Yes, this lesson of the VCM Project hits me, and what I can do? I need admit that I need to learn more from this 3rd lesson, because it’s really important in making huge and great relationships. It also shows on how much you value that person, on how you love him/her, to forgive him/her.

These lessons might take time, character and wisdom to learn, and it’s a good thing that this VCM Project give us the opportunity to discover these lessons, no matter how much it hurts, or no matter how much we’ve been disappointed or embarrassed.

What we can do is to learn, live from it and to grow and be our best. We learned in 2012, in LITE Project that, we need to value and enjoy life, it’s too short, and it’s given for us to live, not to waste it.

We need to have trust ourselves to go on, and to do what’s the next best steps.

Thank you for everyone, thank you RIKIWA ORG.

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