



**A poem compose of 4 stanza with 4 lines, with 10 syllables per line “meter” and with rhyme/rhyming of “abab” format

***Created in 2014… Finalized in December 2014… Requested by JKC for database in April 30, 2015… File saved in RIO-Database 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10#


As years go by that I didn’t see you
I miss you, no words can even express
Nobody knows how much I cherished you
And your presence gives my heart happiness.

We have a long time together as friends
And I treasure those great moments of ours
I thought those times will go on up to ends
Sadly, our time go and flies just like hours.

Seasons changed but I still think of you!
I’ll never forget your smile and glance
And someday, you might know that I love you
I’ll be with you whatever the distance.

You are beautiful and captivating!
Memories with you filled my loving heart
I will always be here for you waiting
And see, you are the one who own my heart.


-John Kevin Cestona

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