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 (La Union, PHL)

(La Union, PHL)


“…he is like a walking encyclopedia… he can be your map in any country…”
-J.L. Llorente (2005)

“He’s amazing! …with extraordinary mind… with immeasurable open-mindedness and curiousity… “
-C. Guiang (2010)

“Kind and very trusted friend of mine. Unique above all.”
-A.P. Satuito (2005)

“One of the best good adviser, knowledge-facts giver and shares a lot of words of wisdom… can be called walking encyclopedia… and above all, he is a good friend.”
-G.C. Balazon (2006, 2007)

“He is there always to give advice, to help and especially unending support to anybody especially to his friends… A person with principles in life, which he strongly say, do and defend. Lastly, ‘chickboy’!”
-D. Biala (2007)

“He is a deep thinker (like Confucius)… but actually always happy and laughing about something (even not totally seen).”
-R. Bernabe (2007)

“He is astrologer and predictor (but not totally accurate, hehe!), chess wizard and a poet (John Keats)… and someday a nurse.”
-R.M. Caballero (2007)

“He is awarded as the ‘BEST IN CONDUCT’ student for two years, but I doubt (jeje!). He is one of the noisiest student and ‘madaldal and so kulit.'”
-P. Navarette (2007)

“He is like brother to us. He always point good things to do. He is kind.”
-S. Raguindin (2007)

“He can give you interesting trivia and world facts… amazing!”
-J. Lobo (2007)

“He is my first ‘BAYAW’!… astrologer, chess master and especially have a fighting spirit… with a ‘out of this world’ type of thinking!”
-A. Batjer (2006, 2007)

“He belong to the ‘craziest’ boys but he belong the ‘kindest’ too. In short, he is serious and happy-go-lucky person.”
-J. Soriano (2007)

“He is religious and well-focus at studies. He trust his friends and even tell secrets and very kind.”
-A. Imbuido (2007)

“Questions about religion and history? He is one of the best guide.”
-A. Aguinaldo (2003)

“One of a kind person and very religious.”
-M. Mendez (2006)

“Good adviser and might be a teacher someday.”
-L.A. Valdez (2007)

“Joker, Historian, Naughty and intelligent one. ‘Kalog’ din, ‘kalog na kalog ang utak’! joke!”
-S. Clores (2007)

“Kind, intelligent and ‘MAAGAT’. He is our principal: ambitious person.”
-M. Eslabra (2007)

“He can deal with different people… equally respect and listen to each side or opinions…”
-C. Alcanzare (2012)

“Honestly and seriously, I almost can’t see any negative to him… I never see him angry. I don’t know how but he is ‘so much’ kind.”
-K. Garcia (2012)


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